Posts Tagged ‘bible’

If I Were God

December 10, 2007

April and her friends often met at the ice cream shop after school to talk and hang out and have fun. Their parents didn’t mind because the ice cream shop is near the elementary school and they could pick them up there. Today they were all excited about the discussion they had in history class when the teacher was talking about the presidents of the country. After they had their lecture and video the teacher had a game called “If I were president” where everybody said what they would change if they got a chance to be president.

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Getting Back To Basics With The Bible

November 11, 2007

We, as Christians, live in difficult times.  Society seems to become more and more fragmented everyday, church attendance is at an all time low, and the media is constantly giving mixed messages and inappropriate ideas to our kids.  It seems like more and more people are turning away from the Bible and the Word of God!

What’s really bad about all of this is that we are losing the battle for our young.  Politicians use the Bible for whatever political agenda they want to push, and this turns off young people who generally have a more liberal frame of mind.

Now more than ever, we need to get back to basics.  We have to set the record straight.  Instead of getting confused by all the mixed messages, we just need to open that old family Bible and read the Word of God, right there in black and white.
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Cartoon Dreams

November 5, 2007

Value taught: Is Idolatry Bad?

Kimberly loved cartoons. It was a pretty big hobby before but when mom and dad let her have a TV in her room, she really started loving cartoons even more. She loved the old ones a lot like Bugs Bunny, The Roadrunner, Popeye and lots of new ones too. Recently the one she liked best was Roscoe Rabbit. On Saturday nights, they play three hours of Roscoe Rabbit in a row. So Kimberly goes to bed early to curl up for a long fun evening of watching cartoons.
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The Prince of Thieves

November 5, 2007

Value: Selfishness

This is the story of how the greatest pirate of all time, Captain Black met his end. He was the most feared pirate of all the seas. He was so famous that everyone called him the Prince of Thieves. Well, you know back in the old days, before we had our nice churches and such, Christianity was protected by monks. Monks are people who live together all alone in a far away place and pray and serve God. You usually see pictures of them in long brown robes.
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